Saturday, July 16, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 In Review

This review will be split into two halves. The First part will be for the people that only saw the films and the second will be for the people that read the books and watched the films. The first half will be before the jump. Also odds are there will be spoilers so if that annoys you sorry.

Let me point out that this film was shown on every screen in my local theater. Yes that is 18 screens and ALL of them were sold out for the midnight show. People were let into the theater a full hour and a half before the film started. To say it was crazy is a understatement. I arrived at the theater a hour and 15 mins before it started and i had to sit in the second row. Mehh live and learn.

Now let me get this show on the road this is Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2
Directed by: David Yates
Screenplay by : Steve Kloves
Based on : really do I need to tell you that??? Are you high?
--After the jump--

Movie Fan Review

This Is Director David Yates 4th installment of the Harry Potter phenomenon and he doesn't disappoint this is a very good  action film that ties up all of its loose ends. Actually let me say this. If you are coming into this and you haven't seen the rest of the films you are gonna totally be lost. If you actually are one of the people that plans on that well then your probably one of the people that doesn't know what the movie is based on.

The movie picks up exactly where deathly Hallows Part 1 ended. Harry is burying Dobby and Voldemort has acquired the Elder wand. Everything feels at its lowest point. From this point forward the movie doesn't slow up.  Harry goes to talk to the goblin Griphook as he wants to break into the wizardry bank of Gringotts.  They use a brazen if not insane trick. they use the polyjuice potion to disguise Hermione as Bellatrix Ron is disguised as well but it never says as who. Harry is carrying Griphook under the cloak to get in. They get in with little effort and reach the vault with all of their disguises being removed. After aquiring the cup of Helga Huffelpuff from Bellatrix's vault through considerable effort. There deception proven they are forced to escape  by setting the dragon free that guards the vault.

After falling off the dragons back into a lake Harry sees into Voldemorts mind and learns that the next horcrux is located in Hogwarts. He also learns that Nagini, Voldemorts snake, is also a Horcrux. When the trio arrive in Hogsmeade a trap is sprung that alerts all of the death eaters of the arrival of Harry. The trio are saved by Aberforth the brother of Dumbledore. This is where you learn that there is a passage from the painting of Ariana to hogwarts is a passage back. They are met and led back via Neville. Once they return everyone is there and tells them of what they need to do.  Now that Snape is the headmaster he summons the entire school to the main hall to give them a speech about hiding Harry (its the typical dont aide the hero or we'll kill you speech) To which Harry reveals himself and is about to be killed by Snape when Professor McGonagall steps in for the save.

It is learned through the Ravenclaw house ghost because of Luna that the Ravenclaw crown and next horcrux is located in the castle where all things go to hide. During this time Ron and Hermione go to the chamber of secrets to acquire basilisk fangs to destroy the  horcruxs. After they acquire the fangs and destroy the cup this causes a explosion of water which , for some reason, triggers Ron and Hermione to realize there feelings for each other and they start kissing.

Now that Harry has discovered the crown in the Room of Requirement at this point they are attcked by Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.  Crabbe , and his complete ineptitude, cast the fiendfyre spell in attempt to kill the  trio. The fire is however uncontrollable and ends up taking the life of Crabbe. Draco and Goyle are saved by the trio as they have acquired brooms. once they are outside the room the destroy the crown and kick it into the room that is closing that is engulfed in flames. At this point they are left to find Nagini which Harry sees through Voldemorts mind. When they reach where Voldemort is hiding they find him telling Snape that he must die for him to become the true owner of the Elder wand. As Snape is left to die. He gives Harry his tears, which he know he must using in the pensieve.

It is at this point that Voldemort gives a telepathic message to everyone recalling his troops and telling Harry to give himself up or everyone dies. Harry goes to Dumbledores office to see the memories and he learns that Snape did not truly hate him and ,in fact, been one of the greatest reasons he wasn't killed in earlier movies. You also learn that the reason Snape turned on Voldemort all of those years ago was that Voldemort wanted to kill Harrys mother which he had loved since childhood. To the point that his patronius was a doe just like Lillys.

The memories show Harry that he is the final horcrux and that he must die by Voldemorts hands or Voldemort can still return. So Harry decides to go to Voldemort as he needs to. He informs Ron and Hermione of this and why and leaves them specific instructions to kill Nagini. On his walk to Voldemort the final deathly hallow shows itself and he is allowed to see family he has lost. Voldemort quickly kills Harry and he goes to a complete white version of Kings Cross where he discuses things with a dead Dumbledore. Once Voldemort comes to after being knocked out from killing the horcrux that he didn't know Harry was. Draco's mother is sent to check and see if Harry is dead and she quietly ask if Draco is alive and that she no longer cares who wins. Harry tells her yes and she says he is dead. Haggrid is carrying harry back to Hogwarts to show the remainder of the people that there hero is dead.

It is at this point that Neville pulls the sword of fun the sorting hat (if you dont know where this is going well your a idiot) After a great speech from Neville , Harry reveals himself to be alive the final battle insures. As harry is running from Voldemort and his attacks. At this point Ron and Hermione are trying there best to kill the last horcrux Nagini but are failing brilliantly. Just as they are about to die Neville saves the day and beheads the snake with the sword. Just before this Molly has finished off Bellatrix in a very fast scene that felt shoehorned in. It didn't feel like it was intended to be there it felt like "o we have to add this or we will be killed". At the point of Nagini's death it weakens Voldemort enough for the wand to not work properly for him and Harry wins the duel and Voldemort dissolves. For you see Harry informed Voldemort in a previous scene that the wand didn't belong to Snape it actually belonged to Draco which he disarmed days prior so now the wand belongs to him and a wand will not kill its owner. I didn't really mention in the place it goes in this retelling because it to felt shoehorned as well.  After the battle is over Harry Destroys the Elder wand because it is to powerful.
We flash 19 years in the future and see that everyone ended up where you knew they would and everything was back to the way it should be and then the credits roll.

Just a few thoughts before i start the next part.
1. Im not sure why but the movie felt like it was in a big damn hurry, in other words it felt rushed.
2. Several scenes near the end felt shoehorned in.
All and all it is a very enjoyable film and a great wrap to this behemoth of a series. If you haven't watched it yet it is well worth it and you should

Book Fan First Review

Why did it feel so rushed? It seemed like it was in such a big hurry. It was the shortest of all the Harry Potter films as well at barely over 2 hrs.
Minor Gripes.
When asked to prove who they are in Gringotts they are asked to present Belatrix's wand and they don't. Here is the issue they actually have the wand. Hell in the book they do use it. All they had to do was show it not use it. I didn't get that.

Why did they Show Ron and Hermione enter the Chamber of Secrets to acquire the fangs? This wasn't even talked about in the book and was told in more of a afterthought? I know you will say that it was a excuse for the kiss to happen , which we all expected at some point, but it happens in the book when they are asked to separate to help with the final battle.

Why did Neville not kill Nagini in a similar fashion that he did in the book? It didn't have to be dead accurate but if it were close to the gravity that it had in the book it would have made him look like even more of a hero. In the book Voldemort summons the sorting hat and sets it a fire on Neville's head and this is how he acquires the sword.

Why didn't Harry use the Elder wand to repair his wand like he did in the book? Yes this is very minor but it would have been a very nice touch. He could have still broke it I am fine with that. I just liked the touch of breaking it though as that made sense.

My biggest Minor gripe of the whole thing is fight between Molly and Bellatix  it is way to fast. while it is a short fight in the book as well you get the point of how powerful Molly actually is instead of looking just lucky. It really felt shoehorned in to satisfy the fans that would have beat them to death with boat oars had they not put it in.

My one final gripe is with the Battle For Hogwarts sequence itself. I think it could have been paced more to the book and I would have enjoyed it way more. There is one thing I did like way better... the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. It was entertaining as hell. I just wished everyone had watched it occur instead of them being alone when it occurs. The whole last sequence, though very good, just felt out of order.

In conclusion

As a fan of the Movies and the books this is still a very entertaining film and should be watched by any fan. hell who am I kidding you have already seen it if you're a fan. Remember my problems with the film are my OPINION and don't ruin it (though the Bellatrix and Molly fight does bug me as i was looking forward to it the most, its kinda like wanting a jolly rancher and finding that ll you have left is grape... eww) .

Go see this movie.

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