Thursday, July 14, 2011

Eden Of the East Movie 1 : The King Of Eden In Review

This review is for the people that have seen the 11 episode series Eden Of The East. It is a 11 episode series brought to you by Funimation to be found free to watch on Netflix instant view and You tube. If you have not seen this series this movie will make little sense to you. This literally picks up after the series ends.

Seriously why havent you seen it.? Its free for god sake and good. How often do you get both? Usually the the shit is free and the good is kept hidden.

Lets get this review on the road  This is Eden Of The East Movie 1; The King Of Eden in review
---After the jump---
Directed By: Kenji Kamiyama
Studio: Production I.G.
Music by: Kenji Kawai
Licensed By: Funimation Entertainment

The movie begins with Saki in New York city looking for Akira. You learn over the opening moments that Akira has been missing for 6 months. You also learn with Saki that he had his memory removed in the process to becoming the king of Japan.

The remainder of the 12 are still trying to win but now number 10 has eliminated himself.

Taki manages to prove to Akira that he is who she is looking with a picture he took with his Selecao phone. Shortly there after you meet number 6 whom is a film producer and wants to make Akira the hero but also wants to kill him, sorta for number 1 as it is very loosely blamed. His plans are fooled by number 11. That is correct our favorite serial killer has returned to save Akira.

While this is going on, back home in Japan, Because of the events of the Missile attacks 6 months prior Eden Of the East has become a very powerful search engine. Taki's friends are shown to really never leave their place of work in order to assist Taki and Akira in staying safe and returning to Japan. At one point to slow down the Effects number 2 is trying to do and rewrite his identity they shut down the Eden Of The East server to slow the process because it cant be stopped.

While this is going on number 2 is attempting the make Akira the illegitimate son of the now late prime minister of Japan AND blame him for being the one to shoot down the missiles that 10 launched at the end of the series.

At this point in time number 1 has found the truck that are moving each Juiz . he launches missiles at each of the trucks one at the time taking out number 12 first because he believes that number 12 is "Mr. Outside". Next 2's Juiz is removed. Number 11 figures out what is going on and request her truck be pushed to the front of the line so that it may be hit next. So that she may buy time for Akira to return to japan. You see she was hired by the Japanese Prime Ministers wife to bring him back to Japan so that she may meet him. He truck is taken out and she stays in america and Akira and Taki board the plane to return to Japan.

This is where the movie comes to a end. Now that it is over the total count of eliminated are.
Selecao No. 2 Jintaro Tsuji -His Juiz was eliminated by the Missile
Selecao No. 4 Yusei Kondo - Kiilled by his wife in the series
Selecao No. 5 Hajimi Hiura - Has his memory erased after using all of his money in the series
Selecao No. 10 Ryo Yuki - Eliminated when he breaks his phone. This is learned in the movie but not shown
Selecao No. 11 Kuroha Diana Shiratori - eliminated when her Juiz was destroyed by the missile as well
Selecao No. 12 Saizo Ato - OR Mr. Outside- Believed to be eliminated with the First Missile attack
                                            (honestly can you eliminate the person that started the game?)
I would like to state that it is never made clear what happens to 6 after he is arrested in america from the movie. So we will leave that as a unknown.

Theatrical Trailer Below

Eden of the East: The King Of Eden  can be purchased from Amazon or The Right Stuff or you could watch it on Netflix instant stream for free.

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