Thursday, June 7, 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman

Ya know. You can tell that the makers of this film cared about what they were making. There is a lot of effort in this film. Everyone is likable in their roles. Its campy at times but you expect it to be. Charlize Theron is a excellent actress and she comes off creepy as hell and even camps it up at times. I really enjoyed it. Chris Hemsworth was very likable as The Huntsman and even Kristen Stewart did a good job. She is not  a terrible actress by any stretch. Shell never win any awards mind you but she is OK. It doesn't hurt that she is attractive.

If you like the fable in anyway give this movie a shot.

The Avengers

How the hell did this work? 5 Separate movies that weren't really tied together form a 6th movie that is AMAZING. Do you realize the miracle that has to occur for it to work? Holy crap. If you are one of the 3 people that haven't seen it go now! It works on every level. Also stay to the end of the credits there is a second reveal that is funny. Its a Supers Hero Done Right!


Ok . This movie was my second of the year "MEH" but that was way more disappointing because i expected way more silly. Its a Statham movie you kind of have to expect it. It has some silly in the fights but not nearly enough with no Pay off when he fights the final fight with the big bad guy. I was kind of disappointed. Mind you i didn't hate it just disappointed.

Watch if your a Jason Statham fan


This is another movie nobody saw. It came and went very fast. I have to say though this movie is a lot of fun. Guy Pierce knows exactly what movie he is in and he haves fun. Also how many times is he the hero? I mean seriously he is almost always a bad guy. Honestly though did you expect this movie to be a masterpiece its basically Escape From New York In Space... I will warn you though every scene that Guy Pierce isn't in is kind of painful. Everyone else seems to take it seriously. All and All I think its worth a watch for its humor and Guy Pierce.

Side note his name is Snow.... He wont tell people his first name.....Give ya a hint he has the same first name as Sylvester Stalone in Cobra... Yeah it knows exactly what it is.

Titanic 3D

If you haven't seen this 15 year old movie before.. Why its a great film that tells a great story. Is it worth seeing it.  in 3d .... God no the 3d is utterly pointless. You can literally take the glasses off in most scenes. Hell I got bored 45 mins from the end and went to take a break and walked in and watched The Hunger Games... and yes i walked out in the biggest action sequence in the end. I got bored AND I have always really liked this movie. This just didn't need a re release. Watch it in 2d only.

Wrath Of The Titans 3D

Holy shit is this movie bad. This movie is one of the most forgettable movies i've ever seen. I actually forgot most of it as I was actually watching it. The 3d is a complete and total waste. Every time this movie brings in something that should be part of the plot they quickly discard it. I've never seen a movie I personally forgot while i was watching it.

Fell free to watch it you'll forget anyway...

The Raid : Redemption

Holy Crap this movie has some utterly amazing fight sequences. If you like amazing fight sequences you need to see this. It is subtitled only. Its told from the point of view of a Swat team sent in to take down a drug lord and the whole building is under his control. Things go to hell and they fight there way to the top floor like in a video game. The movie is a blast with great action

See it.